I've set up an exhaustive list of the top ten questions that every seller must take into account business potential issues, including the seller to the buyer. Yes, you read that right! Why would a seller should ask questions? A number of reasons. Firstly, the seller, the process is very long and bumpy. When it comes out on the market and not all your precious time, you will receive the merits of the study a flurry of interest in your company.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of time saving and window shoppers here is hard work., enough of the management of the company.Add the time and the energy required to sell the company, most handle negotiations and you'll have your hands full of good questions in the question., will save you lots of time wasted by telephone, meetings and emails and direct contact with people who are serious about how to buy used my 10 important questions that should the seller issues by speaking with the buyer.
(1) why they want to buy your company?
Most is a simple question, you can request and asked why you decided to sell the company seems to be the issue would be governed as exactly the opposite of what they are asked from the point of interest.When you have a clear and decisive response, chances are serious about affaires.retarder, breaks or resistance to this question can be the cause of préoccupation.Il can be translated, you currently on their ad and wanted to see was sold, in most cases, it is a waste of time. Window shoppers are, unfortunately, part of the sales process and guava, they can be long and frustrating.
(2) what is the current situation?
On a number of professions and the potential buyer, in case you are surprised, when considering the purchase of the company. Many buyers are in a career or company that you are the growth or want to spend that have little if any business relationship is not a specific point.This is where you need to analyse whether this person is searching for a way to escape from their current situation seriously on your work.
Of course, it is very easy to judge people in these circumstances, unfair, so keep the open spirit, but if the person is clearly seems be a field that has a relationship with you and your defined business qualification, experience and qualifications, it may be inappropriate for the sale.
(3) sales of this second company have access to them?
As a reply to an earlier question certainly will clarify exactly where your potential buyers become only from their own point of view. If the access of different companies will have all the fields and niche markets, which they intend to fully implement it yourself, you have to deal with the patch, however, if they have only to enterprises, in particular in its intention to market, it is only worth asking why a particular interest in this area and you will have a clear idea of why they want to get in the field.
Better you can reserve the decision buyers potentiels.Les more questions you ask.
(4) how many reports does not require the buyer show current employers?
Many people who are already in employment, to recognise their responsibilities and publishing long term 2 months may cause problems with each purchase and transfer process.
(5) have experience in the field of business?
If the lack of experience in the field of entrepreneurship, ask if they want to start to employees or contractors who assist the roles and responsibilities to be assumed that they are not qualified or experienced enough to gérer.Pensez to many potential buyers that they can "rope if you dangerous and foolishly access to each company."
(6) how to plan to finance the purchase of?
This question tends to block of agriculture, which captures the many potential buyers to Koka since the beginning of a larger loan.the Bank, in particular because of the global recession is no small feat.most banks will think and learn more about the smallest detail and still many buyers simply forgotten before funding speaking to owners of enterprises, provided that the obtaining of the credit will be more than a few forms.(si_vous_avez_répondu_à_la_question_et_les_retards_de_rencontre_ou_de_leurs_yeux_tout_d'abord_passent_par_la_salle,_vous_pouvez_parier_votre_fond_dollar_qui_n'est_pas_et_même_jusqu'à_maintenant) or (b) you have no money) comes first.
You're a seasoned entrepreneur, you need to know to Koka at this time are these buyers to avoid loss of time or real, professional users.
(7) Is financing the purchase are already in place?
The continuation of the previous questions is within your rights, if they have money and not by their own decision-making participation or third parties, such as a bank or an investisseur.dans both cases, you should know as much money and the capital needed to purchase not only your business but effectively run.
(8) the purchaser must be drawn up of the financial perspective?
If the buyer can see your financial statements, the buyer, which is capable of producing estimates of gross on the need to pay the wages, the amount of income and subsistance.Pas expenses necessarily expect each buyer perspective would be severe, however, the purchaser, this kind of dedication is clearly to illustrate the level of severity for the purchase of the company and you can only get the comfort of the present.
(9), the purchaser is responsible for the company system requirements?
Regardless of the question how much you do not know whether the buyer is not true, the amount of work nécessaire.Bien heard you want not only delays the buyer, but at the same time, it must promote a realistic image of what relates to employment.
(10) professional representation on the spot and their adoption?
That is seriously the need to speak with a lawyer and at least one Commissioner to the comptes.Sinon, ask why? there was a considerable amount of capital for your business and start a new business, but does make step have representation or accounting inform seems me a little bizarre.
Course, always make sure one of the questions above, politely and gently with tact.Nous do not want to offend people! several points are provided here are rather disruptive to some folk in the company, however, are questions which we expect that you will need to be: frequently asked questions ou.Si the measured using the points above, will measure a clear picture of exactly to your buyers are.
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