Sunday, October 31, 2010

Deal with different personalities

Differences in personality can be a big difference in how you act. Often, psychology of personality types, defined in a different way. There are some "aggressive" people, "passive" people, etc. But these definitions are not easy to work with, because if it is defined in this way, your pigeon kotlina someone to act in a certain way and that is all.

Standard NLP (Neuro linguistic programming) is a question of access by a person in this way, the processing of data, you can easily become the dominant communication and processes identifier.stratégie communication mode grand is amended as follows:

1. the kinesthetic. Kinaesthetic style of thinking and expression are often much to talk about their feelings. You can take the floor so that the body is used where appropriate.", says:"feel you good that decision"or" it just feel not good ".more ways to tell if someone uses your feelings, to think and do is keep track of their body. This will often be in their hands.

2 Visual. Type Visual person will often be a language fast and talk about what they see. Known as "Click here" and "can see you it?Often we look at autour and rapid of the flyers and act quickly. A person who intends to Visual Arts productive and this means that you do not want to spend their time. Goods and it is!

3 Acoustic. Hear sound personality all details. Communicate with words such as "Let's hear what you have to say" or "listen to this!"It is likely that they will monitor or you can talk, but their heads are changed so that you can listen pay attention to the sounds around them, so it is not always the other way.Make sure that you can use a different show and their interest in actually said every word to express by.It sounds like the word that you use.

Other ways to interpret the personalities of peoples, but what concerns the negotiations, it is the most important.Veillez to keep in mind that everyone goes through phases and is not always the one or the other is a combination of the individual and one after another, often expressed in the form of a strategy complements. make sure that you are flexible and attention.

Several characteristics of a good agent

The offence is a skill that cannot be easily. Here are some of the properties of a good agent.

1 preparation. If you have something important to negotiate, you must ensure that they are prepared for all results. Good or bad, is any deviation from the argument would willing to bad, if you do not know what you send.You will save on your feet and very flexible many mistakes, but it is better to know what to do when this event is produit.pour prepare and allow you to save problems later.

2. Create a plan and set limits on what you must admit that it is just as good business, it must be exactly the result and the restrictions on what you're willing to so defined. With clearly defined objectives will be able to more easily reached.

3 to listen. If you want to examine or to achieve a positive result, notes and be clearly your communication. Clear upon departure and listening can also mean and that you understand your partner in the negotiation.

4 when negotiations are, that's all! it's easy to try the concession ended after negotiations, but it is a bad way to go. After the conclusion of the trade, ensure that the paperwork is signed and that no other options are available to open the back on the changes in trade. Make sure that everything is clear and understandable.

5 be careful who bring in support of this is a large collected.Have someone with you is so emotional comments on the choice you made, or the results of the.which preferences without thinking about the implications of the intermediary can probably benefit team may also indicate.Buddy and moral support, but if you do not keep their mouths closed, you will find the problem and the direction of the country in the wrong.

6. in the location where you want to négocier.Si you modify the location of the benefit of the national court réunion.obtenir and more comfortable in the négociations.Je does the same advantages .c ' is established if you can negotiate on the place where you can feel at home, relax and in control.

Negotiation of happy!

Basis for the successful negotiation stages

Effective negotiation depends on a number of important factors. Of the least discussed but most of the necessary mutual trust and understanding. Without it, the chances of a successful negotiation is significantly reduced. Negotiations with the contentious relationship between the negotiators and numerous negotiators very little about too often openly and effectively communicate with their counterparts.

For three decades and in addition, I've successfully negotiated many contracts and agreements in different sectors. Probably best negotiations at their luck with negotiators, take some time to start understanding of their counterpart.most professional negotiators to understand this, but sometimes by the "position" of the political reasons or autres.dans this action, often leads to frustration and negotiations will break often conflict.

More efficient negotiations begin always openly communicates negotiators.even if some negotiators as "play hard", is almost never negotiations communication requires that certain measures include:

(1) both parties fully declare their needs and their exigences.Si is budget issues explained in advance, so there is no misunderstanding.
(2) both parties should always be with each other.the formal means for the rest, but to understand what is posed and why.
(3) If a hotel or catering, equipment to understand what you are alternatives to the device, passing is potential client savings?
(4) in the case of hotel restoration if it cannot be issued as the hotel is on the level of quality and price is requested, it must declare that the explanations.
(5) if both parties simultaneously with more than a party negotiates, which must be traduits.le provider must also explain, why is this happening.
(6) where, on the one hand, it is generally insufficient negotiation échoue.souvent, worst case, the two parties have agreed that, and it is unilateral, on the other hand, capable of transmitting timing and what you need and has promised.
(7) the negotiators would promise only what can offer.
(8) Negotiators must possess sufficient powers and the necessary agreements to purchase .trop bargaining levels is generally the result of a disaster on a good end.
(9) negotiators must directly and to a point.
(10) the needs and requirements, "said forward."
(11) each Party shall submit its request for relief from the other.
(12) the best results of each negotiation is a "win-win."
(13) the best result of all negotiations, in the long term, the result is at a price which is on both sides.

Most people are not good négociateurs.amateurs negotiators to destroy the often executable quotes! participants in the negotiations must use both professional traders who understand that can I apply for "the hammer of the trade".read my articles on content related to various aspects of the negotiations.

Negotiation - Basic Strategies

1- Identify guidelines you should follow during the negotiation;

To have an effective negotiation we should follow some basic strategies:

Separate the people from the problemFocus on interests, not positionsCreate options,Insist on standards

2- Identify steps of the negotiation process;

Recommended steps in negotiating a conflict:

Confront the opposition.Define the conflict mutually.Communicate feelings and positions.Communicate cooperative intentions.Take the other person's perspective.Coordinate the motivation to negotiate.Reach an agreement that is satisfactory to both sides

3- Apply guidelines that will enable you to facilitate effective communication during the negotiation;

It is important to build rapport during a negotiation.

To have an effective communication during the negotiation, we should remember a few key items:

Keep a 'YOU' focus-Most humans love to talk about themselves.Listen well and ask relevant questions.Speak the same language as the other person.Use person's name during the conversation (at least 3-4 times).Use words like 'we', 'our', 'us'.

Other useful suggestions for effective communication during the negotiation process are: offer options and explain them clearly, clarify expectations and offer them time frames.

Body language and non-verbal communication has an effect in the communication process as well.

4- Identify the types of questions you should ask during the negotiation;

These are questions starting with:

What, Where, When, How;Or, Help me understand; Explain to me; Describe to me.

For example, Can you give me the details of your organization structure? Randall, during the negotiation process, asked "How do you put a value on a company like this?"

5- Identify characteristics of the negotiation styles;

Probing is the skill of questioning to obtain information.

Successful negotiators tailor their approach to the behavioral style and needs of their counterparts.

Being able to identify a counterpart's preferred style and adapt your own style accordingly can be incredibly helpful in building productive relationships.

Negotiators who use the Amiable style have a strong need to feel recognized and valued in the negotiating partnership.

Another style that we may encounter when negotiating is the Driver. Drivers have a strong concern for outcomes and when ruthlessly pursuing their goal, may become shark like. Drivers are self-confident, assertive, and when feeling cornered, may become aggressive in their tactics.

Analytical negotiators have a strong need for facts and details, and won't move forward unless they have had the opportunity to carefully analyze all available data.

Blends negotiators are people who have no clear preference for one style, but use a combination of styles. Blends are personable, social and often have a sense of humor

6- Apply the guidelines you should follow when this negotiation becomes challenging.

A range of nonverbal clues may serve as red flags during a negotiation.

When dealing with difficult negotiations, it is important to screen our behavior:

Say and do as little as possibleDirect action to alter impressionsPresent facts that enhance one's position