Thursday, November 4, 2010

6 Good negotiating advice for you

In our daily lives, we are usually exposed to a situation where we need to act with others. Negotiations, salary negotiation business, sales, negotiations, and the kind of discourse that is associated with a solution that takes advantage of both parties.

We are in discussions of the Act, we wanted to get some positive result and also focus on the implementation work for nous.prendre participate in discussions with many things, and we should be aware of an appropriate method by which we must accept.

Here are the tips 6 trading for one of the actions that are applicable.

1. ask questions)

Intelligent people are usually know so request. request that relevant to the topic of négociations.En addition, it is necessary to know all information related to the discussion.

(information 2.)listening to the other side

As usual, it is very important for communication with the other party headphones.should immediately taken messages, on the other side attempts to convey, and you should never ass if needed the most.

(3) the corresponding search

If you want before negotiations were needed to collect the necessary information, you can easily use to determine the mass of the factors involved in negotiations.

(4 do not rush things) try

It is not necessary that you can immediately come certain decisions of the meeting, only if you and another party undecided, is another meeting, so how can meet once more and comment on this subject at the first meeting were discussed.

It is not the right to immediately provide you for your decision, or to ensure that the other party shall accept the termes.Il seems too many requests.

(5 Understand) on the other hand, in the enterprise

You may not use narrow mind and must try to understand the arguments of other parties, if you think that it is advantageous for both parties to agree with him.

If necessary, in order to demonstrate the strong powers as a participant, the serious negotiations, you need to complete the transaction.

(6 never discuss) only on the basis of personal problems

The company has always been a company never discuss or you can save a personal outside of your arguments at the hearing for the business issues, or the sale of certain products always objectives while speaking with the other party and clearly defined.

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